Erasmus+ Sport

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EUPAMOS PLUS - European Union Physical Activity and Sport Monitoring System Plus

project financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Sport Programme, Grant Agreement 2018- 3795/001-001



Partners: 7 organizations, 5 EU countries +TAFISA
Budget: 446.000 euro, 80% European funding
Duration: Jan 2017 – June 2019
Objectives: the aims to find answers to the question: ‘How do we keep youngsters involved and connected with sport and physical activity?’. In many European countries we see that a lot of youngsters give up sport due to a lack of motivation, problems with school or job schedule or different interests.
The project targets youngsters (12-19 years) in general and specifically those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

KYI - Keep Youngsters Involved

project financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Sport Programme Key Action Sport Action area Support to Collaborative Partnerships, Grant Agreement – 2016-3088


 Leader: Knowledge Centre for Sport Netherlands

Partners: 7 organizations, 5 EU countries +TAFISA
Budget: 446.000 euro, 80% European funding
Duration: Jan 2017 – June 2019
Objectives: the aims to find answers to the question: ‘How do we keep youngsters involved and connected with sport and physical activity?’. In many European countries we see that a lot of youngsters give up sport due to a lack of motivation, problems with school or job schedule or different interests.
The project targets youngsters (12-19 years) in general and specifically those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

NOVIS - No Violence in Sport, Project

financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Sport Program Key Action Sport Action area Support to Collaborative Partnerships, Grant Agreement – 2017 – 2687



Partners: 10 organizations from 7 EU countries
Budget: 395.000 euro, European funding
Duration: Jan 2018 – June 2020
Objectives: The specific aim of the project is to further develop a previous Erasmus project (ELYS) as well as share the lessons learned with new partner organizations and partners from other EU Members States and to develop a pilot affiliation program for sports organizations to test an innovative approach for promoting the true values of sport (respect, fair play, anti- racism and xenophobia) and fighting any form of violence and discrimination in sport.

SPA vs CTA - Sport and Physical Activity Against Children’s Technology Addiction

Project financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Sport Programme Key Action Sport, Action area Small Collaborative Partnerships, Grant Agreement – 2017 – 2811



Partners: 3 organizations from 2 EU countries
Budget: 42.000 euro, European funding
Duration: Jan 2018 – June 2019
Objectives: The project emphasizes the importance of a health-promoting sport and lifestyle and demonstrates the importance of sport and physical activity to tackle the addiction to technology of the young generation.

European Sector Skills Alliance for Sport and Physical Activity (ESSA-Sport)” EU

Project financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Sport Programme Key Action Sport, Action area Small Collaborative Partnerships, Grant Agreement – 2017 – 2811


Leader: European Observatoire for Sport and Employment

Partners: 18 EU countries
Duration: 2017 – 2019
Objectives: first analysis of the labour market and skills needs and to create the conditions for change in the sport and physical activity sector


DC4AC – Regional Center for Dual Career of Athletes

Project financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Sport Programme Key Action Sport, Action area Support to Collaborative Partnerships, Grant Agreement – 2015-2954

Leader: National Institute for Sport Research (Romania)

Partners: 8 organizations from 7 EU countries (HU, GR, IT, BG, SK, SL, RO)
Budget: 400.000 euro, 80% European funds, 20% co-financing
Duration: January 2016 – June 2017 (18 months)
Objectives: project is complementary to the European Union’s efforts to ensure a secure future for athletes at the end of their sport career and aim to facilitate replicating and application of the European Commission guidelines on dual career for talented and elite athletes.
web: DC4AC –Regional Center for Dual Career of Athletes

SPORT EGAL - Leveraging Sport to Tackle Gender Inequalities

project financed by the European Commission through ERASMUS + Programme -Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for Youth, Grant Agreement – 2015-3-RO01-KA205-022930

Leader: National Institute for Sport Research (Romania)

Partners: 4 organizations from 3 EU countries (FR, UK, IT)
Budget: 177.500 euro, 100% European funding
Duration: March 2016 – March 2018 (24 months)
Objectives: the project aims to leverage sport to tackle gender inequalities thanks to the design of training tools for youth and sport instructors which learn how to make gender diversity in sports activities.
web: SPORT EGAL – Leveraging Sport to Tackle Gender Inequalities


Balance in Sport

project financed by the European Commission and the Council of Europe - Pilot phase - 2106

European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (COE) joint project

Partners 2016: Spain, France, Romania and Finland
Duration: 1 January-31 December 2016
Objective: Collecting data on gender equality in sport on leadership, coaching, participation, media / communication and gender-based violence, so that progress can be monitored, allowing for comparisons between countries and between sports, and to help design evidence-based policies.
web: Balance in Sport

PRO US ALL – Promoting Urban Sport for All,

project financed by the European Commission through Preparatory Actions in the Field of Sport, Action area Promoting municipal sports, Grant Agreement EAC/2011/0462

Leader: Comunita Nuova ONLUS – Italy (Milan)

Partners: 13 organizations from 9 EU countries
Budget: 240.000 euro, 60% Eu funding, 20% co-funding, 20% sponsors
Duration: March 2012 – June 2013
Objective: development of transnational networks of collaboration for the promotion of sports in local communities and increasing the role of sport in the lives of citizens and the urban economy.
web: Balance in Sport

ELYS – European Laboratory for Young Supporters

project financed by the European Commission through Preparatory Actions in the Field of Sport, Action area Preventing and fighting against violence and intolerance in sport, Grant Agreement EAC/2011/0462

Leader: CONI Lombardy (Milan)

Partners: 15 organizations from 9 EU countries
Budget: 250.000 euro, 80% European funding, 20% co-funding
Duration: February 2012 – April 2013
Objective: conduct joint actions to educate children between 11 and 14 years to promote sport as a vehicle for social cohesion and inclusion and combat violence and intolerance in sport.
web: Balance in Sport

Expert evaluator

P4S - Parenting for Sport,

project financed by the European Commission and the Council of Europe - Pilot phase - 2106

Leader: Asociatia Corporate Games (Romania)

Partners: 2 organizations from 3 EU countries (RO, SW, UK)
Budget: 57.000 euro
Duration: January 2018 – December 2018 (12 months)
PARENTING IN SPORT VISION is to establish a strong and durable link between the people behind the corporations frame and the children in deprived environement, to encourage the first ones to volunteer for a noble cause and the second ones to feel included in a new world, the one of sports, as equal participants.
web: Balance in Sport